Cloudflare is a data centers of multiple network that works between the web server & internet browsers. It secures website online. Once website comes into Cloudflare community the all web traffic routed via global network.
Cloudflare automatically optimize the web pages & so that visitor get the fastest page load times. It boosted the speed.
Cloudflare provide advance level of security & protection. It prevents from DDos attack & prevents spam. The propagation time of cloudflare DNS Time-To-Live (TTL) is 300 seconds.
As current scenario many more websites use cloudflare it provides best security that has a large database. Cloudflare does not ask you to install any software’s or to buy any hardware or to change any codes. Cloudflare simply ask you to change current authoritative Name servers of the domain so it makes free DNS provider. You may also disable Cloudflare by removing global DNS.